Tuesday 21 October 2014

Fighter's Collection 2014 Deck lists part 1!

Fighter's Collection 2014 comes out November 7th to get everyone ready I am going to try and make deck lists for all of the new decks that come from Fighter's Collection 2014. These are just basic lists you should take them and build them to your style.

Holly's Musketeers
Grade 0
Broccolini Musketeer, Kirah x1 Starter
Blue Rose Musketeer, Ernst  x4 Stand
Hibiscus Musketeer, Hanah x4 Heal
Night Queen Musketeer, Daniel x4 Crit
Chestnut Bullet  x4 Crit

Grade 1
Red Rose Musketeer, Antonio  x4
Water Lily Musketeer, Ruth x4
Lily of the Valley Musketeer, Rebecca  x4
Tulip Musketeer, Mina x2

Grade 2
Pansy Musketeer, Sylvia x4
Lily of the Valley Musketeer, Kaivant x3
Cherry Blossom Musketeer, Augusto  x4

Grade 3
Black Lily Musketeer, Hermann x4
Holly Musketeer, Elvira x4

Holly adds a lot of much needed pressure to the Musketeers late game but other then Holly this is just a very standard list build to push your opponent at all times. You do lose the ability to shuffle your nulls back into your deck with this list but you won't need it since the build is much faster.

University of Eggxcellence  Grade 0
Acorn Master x1 Starter
Eraser Alpaca  x4 Stand
Alarm Chicken  x2 Stand
Holder Hedgehog x4 Crit
Triangle Cobra x2 Crit
Dictionary Goat x4 Heal

Grade 1
Cable Sheep x4
Coiling Duckbill x3
Tank Mouse x3
Soft Tank Sloth x2
Stamp Sea Otter x2

Grade 2
Binoculus Tiger x4
Geograph Giant x2
Compass Lion x3
Lamp Camel x2

Grade 3
Honorary Professor, Chatnoir x4
Sage's Egg, Minette x3
School Punisher, Leo-pald "Яeverse" x1

Minette doesn't really stand out that much but he still is a very strong card a more consistent draw engine is what great nature needs to keep up with the other meta decks but other then that Leo Reverse is a much stronger grade 3. If you don't have any Stamp Sea Otters then adding 1 Tank Mouse and 1 Soft Tank Sloth

Straight Jamming
Grade 0
Machining Worker Ant x1 Starter
Machining Scorpion x4 Crit
Sharp Nail Scorpio x4 Crit
Machining Cicada x4 Stand
Machining Bombyx x4 Heal

Grade 1
Paralyze Madonna x4
Machining Caucasus x3
Machining Hornet x4
Machining Locust x3

Grade 2
Machining Red Soldier x4
Machining Mantis x4
Machining Armor Beetle x3

Grade 3
Machining Warsickle x4
Unrivaled Blade Rogue, Cyclomatooth x4

Get ready for frustration Warsickle's reign of terror is almost here not being able to attack with your vanguard for multiple turns is broken. This deck is very simple just push your opponent to 4-5 damage then keep them at rest till they can't guard anymore.

Demetrius + Maelstrom = 5?
Grade 0
Blue Storm Cadet, Marios  x1 Starter
Blue Storm Soldier, Kitchen Sailor x4 Heal
Blue Storm Battle Princess, Doria x2 Draw
Blue Storm Soldier, Missile Trooper x3 Crit
Mass Production Sailor x7 Stand

Grade 1
Blue Storm Marine General, Hermes x4
Wheel Assault x4
Emerald Shield, Paschal x4
Mercenary Brave Shooter x2

Grade  2
Blue Storm Marine General, Gregorios  x4
Tidal Assault x4
Storm Rider, Basil x3

Grade 3
Blue Storm Marine General, Demetrius x4
Blue Storm Karma Dragon, Maelstrom "Яeverse"  x4

This could be one of the best break rides in the game the synergy it adds to Maelstrom Reverse is just crazy. If your opponent guards your attack you can draw 3 cards and retire 2 of their units this should put you so far ahead in the game that it would almost be impossible to catch up.

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