Saturday 18 October 2014

Dragon Knight Deck Tech!

I have a soft spot for Dragon Knights since Character pack 1 burning valor came out I like them so much that I ran them at nations earlier this year but since then the deck has fallen behind the current meta. I have always liked a more controlling style rather then the faster burn versions of Dragon Knight deck and now since Darkness Dragon world is running rampant I thought I might bring back Dragon Knights to combat current set 4 meta.  

Knights of the Dropzone!


Size 1
Dragon Knight, Maximilian x5 (Buddy)
Dragon Knight, El Quixote x3
Dragon Knight, Red Baron x2
Dragon Knight, Ryoma x3

Size 2

Dragon Knight, Richard x3
Dragon Knight, Nobunaga x3
Dragon Knight, Iwamoto x2

Size 3

Dragon knight, Napoleon x2
Dragon Knight, Geronimo x2


Blue Dragon Shield x4
Green Dragon Shield x2
Knightenergy x3
Cavalry Academy x2
Dragobond x3
Dragogenius x2
The Skies in your Hand x2

Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle x3
Twin Dragonblades, Dragoanthem x2
Dragon Cavalry Arts, Ultimate Smash x3

My Buddy Maxi could be one of the best cards in Buddyfight when placed he lets you revel a Dragon Knight from your hand and charge that card then draw a card basically Maximilian lets you Charge and draw twice in one turn sadly he isn't the best attacker but that won't stop him. Never be afraid to call another monster over Maximilian since once you use him he really isn't the best card for attacking.

Since this is a very gauge heavy deck it needs to run a few cards to help one of which is El Quixote when he hits the opponent with an attack you can put the top card of your deck into gauge "tip" when a card has put the top card of your deck into gauge you may look at the card before you gauge it this can will help you a lot when your trying to work out whats left in your deck.

Red Baron is such a useful card the move ability lets you change when he is just before you or your opponent attacks. He also combos with Dragobond if you cast before moving Red Baron to the center he will live an a attack and heal you for 2 hp also if you move him to the center you can cast The Skies in your hand to save both Red Baron and your hit points.

 All the combos Ryoma cost 1 gauge to play and when he enters the field you may return another Dragon Knight to hand letting you bounce cards back to your hand after using their effects like Maximilian or Iwamoto.

So in Buddyfight a size 2 monster with 2 critical and 4000 power and defense is already a good card but when you have 4 or more Dragon Knights in the drop zone Richard "POWERS UP" and becomes a whooping 8000 power and defense monster.

Nobunaga is always a scary card with his 4 critical he forces your opponent to either take 4 damage or let you fill up gauge.

Iwamoto's Surprise attack skill lets you destroy an opponents monster as long as you control another Dragon Knight on the field also his 3 critical is also awesome.

Napoleon is one of the new cards Dragon Knights got in set 4 and OMG he is so good for 3 gauge you may call a size 2 Dragon Knight from your drop zone to field by paying its call cost and while Napoleon is on the field that card is counted as a size 0. The main targets for Napoleons skill in this deck are Richard and Iwamoto depending on if you need to clear the field with Iwamoto's skill or defend your center with Richard.

When it comes to Size 3 monster Geronimo might be one of the scariest of them all with 7000 defense and 1000 attack plus another 1000 attack for each card in your drop zone with Dragon Knight in its name which means most of the time he as almost 11000 attack but that still not the end to how awesome this guy is he as has soulguard so you can spend one soul to save him from being destroyed and the ability to double attack.

Dragon Shields are a must play in any dragon world deck in this list I chose to play 4 blue over more green because the deck is so gauge heavy.

 Knightenergy can be used to beat high defense monsters or saving your monster from your opponents and since it is a dragon knight spells Maximilian can charge it with his ability.

Very match up deepened Cavalry Academy is great to make your knights stronger but if not needed you can also charge it with Maximilian. Also it should be noted that Cavalry Academy dose count to your required dragon knights when casting your impact so you can cast it while having 1 size 3 and 1 Cavalry Academy.

Whenever your opponent is trying to destroyed or bonce your monster you may cast Dragobond which will save it while giving you 2 life. You can also you this card before moving a monster to the center and still get Dragobond effects.

Dragogenius is used to draw cards during the late game.

The Skies in your Hand is great to fix your field after using cards like Maximilian or Iwamoto.

The man weapon for this deck Steel fist, Dragonknuckle helps you get gauge and you can use its ability in get rid off monsters in the center.

Twin Dragonblades, Dragothem is a nice backup weapon that can be awesome for getting rid of defense monsters with soul guard.

Might be very costly at 4 gauge but Dragon Cavalry Arts, Ultimate Smash is an amazing impact not only clearing your opponents field but also dealing 3 damage its great for keeping ahead your your opponent.

What To gauge!

When you have Maximilian in your hand its always better to charge your non-dragon knight cards so the you can use his skill to charge your extra knights. Don't be afraid to charge impacts since they are more of a late game card.

Side boarding!

Side boarding is always going to be meta depended but some strong cards will always be

 Final notes

Even though playing burn knights may be faster this decks gives your more plays letting you choose between offense and defense from turn to turn. One of your hardest choices is going to be chose what size 3 to play and when if you think you can win the game go for Napoleon since when you bring back Nobunaga you have 7 critical not including your weapon Geronimo is better if you need to defend or clear the field.

Ps: "It’s not a cat! I told you it’s a TIGER!"


  1. fantastic deck. Finally somebody runs napoleon.

  2. Nice deck, looks awesome
