Saturday 22 November 2014

Seeking the mate Regalia Edtion!

Legion is coming out and it sure is powerful so her is my first legion deck tech on my latest deck Regalia's mixing the old Minerva with the new CEO Yggdrasil!

Cosmic Wisdom

Grade 0
Battle Maiden, Amenohoakari x1 Starter
Regalia of Far-sight, Clear Angel x4 Crit
Battle Maiden, Kukurihime x4 Crit
Regalia of Foredoom, Lot Angel x4 Draw
Regalia of Compassion, Eir x4 Heal

Grade 1
Ordain Owl x2
Goddess of Self-sacrifice, Kushinada x1
Cold Blast Regalia, Svalinn x3
Exorcism Regalia, Shiny Angel x4
Purification Regalia, Pure Angel x4

Grade 2
Twilight Regalia, Hesperis x3
Regalia of Fate, Norn x4
Midday Regalia, Hemera x4

Grade 3
Regalia of Wisdom, Angelica x2
Omniscience Regalia, Minerva x3
Cosmic Regalia, CEO Yggdrasil x3

With no real good Regalia Starter just yet Amenohoakari's ability to give you some extra soul charges during a game is good enough.

Battle Maiden, Kukurihime is a Critical trigger with a act skill place Kukurihime into soul chose a Genesis unit and give it +3k until end of turn.

Lot Angel is a Draw trigger with the auto skill when placed on the guard circle you may soul charge 1 card from the top of your deck.

Ordain Owl is a 6k grade 1 with the act skill place a grade 3 Regalia from your drop zone too the bottom of the deck and then chose a grade 3 Regalia vanguard and give it +5k power. The best part of Ordain's skill is that it stacks so as long as you have grade 3's in the drop zone you can keep using it!

Kushinada is a sentinel guard when placed on the guard circle you may discard a card and stop a card from being attack. This deck relays on having cards in the drop zone so I chose too run less Null guards.

Syalinn is a sentinel guard commonly referred too a quintet wall when she is placed on the guard circle you can counter blast 1 then place the top 5 cards from the top of your deck too the guard circle. Quintet walls work really well in decks that don't use many counter blasts like this one and its great for getting cards into the drop zone for legion.

Shiny Angel is a 7k grade 1 with the ability when placed on rearguard you may add up too 3 Regalia cards from your drop zone to your soul this very good for setting all your combo plays or refilling your soul with the cards you soul blasted last turn.

Pure Angel is a grade 1 7k with the auto skill when placed on rear guard you may counter blast 1 give your Regalia vanguard +5k power and the auto skill when you hit an opponents vanguard you may soul blast 3 if you pay the cost draw a card.  

Hesperis is a 9k grade 2 with the ability when soul blasted give your vanguard an auto skill when you an opponents vanguard you may retire a rearguard they control.

Norn is a 9k grade 2 with the ability when soul blasted she can give your Regalia vanguard + 5k power and this effect can stack she is also CEO Yggdrasil's legion mate!

Hermera is a 9k grade 2 with the ability when placed on rearguard you may add up too 3 Regalia cards from your drop zone to your soul this very good for setting all your combo plays or refilling your soul with the cards you soul blasted last turn.

Angelica is an 11k grade 3 with a Limit break 4 effect when you ride another grade 3or higher unit on top of her you can soul blast 3 and give that card plus 10k power and draw 2 cards. She also has the auto effect when attacking a vanguard you soul charge one card and she gains +1k power. Angelica is awesome for her break ride effect and you can stay on her early game and amass a huge soul.

Minerva is an 11k grade 3 with a re-standing Limit break 4 effect with the cost of 1 counter blast soul blast 3 and discard 3 cards which is costly but when she re-stands she gets +5k power and she also also becomes a 13k base when you have Angelica in soul. The reason I play Minerva in this deck is because you can soul blast Norn's with her re-stand cost which combined with Ordain owl she can reach some crazy numbers.

The great CEO Yggdrasil wow she is such an amazing card starting off she has legion with Regalia of Fate, Norn this is awesome to put your critical and heal triggers back into your deck. Yggdrasil's main ability is an auto ability when she attacks a vanguard while in legion you can soul blast 6 and if pay the cost she gets +1 Critical and your opponent can't guard with grade 1's or higher!! She also gets +3000 power when attacking a vanguard while boosted making it very easy combined with Norn and Ordain owl too make her a 50000 power attacker and since your opponent won't be able to null your attack she is amazing at ending the game.


How to use this Deck

Starting off the game your looking to ride to grade 1 with any Regalia unit even your quintet wall. when being attacked if you have any triggers in hand your going to want to use them to guard early too keep yourself low on damage. Once at grade 2 your going to want to start getting more aggressive so playing Norns and Hesperis so you can attack while letting you still guard with them to get them into the drop zone for your combo plays. Grade 3 is where your looking too either get defensive by riding Angelica then into Minerva or just riding Minerva and using either Hermera or Shiny angel to soul charge Angelica for the cross ride. If your ready too end the game riding Yggdrasil and using her legion skill is usually the best way to end the game since she can't be guarded with 1's or higher.

Combos and Tricks

Most of the decks combos come from soul blasting Hesperis too get free pluses then using either Hermera or Shiny angel to soul charge the cards you soul blasted back into soul.

Pure Angel is a great card early game that not only gives your vanguard a power boost making it hard to guard but also lets you soul blast Hesperis when you hit which can really turn a game you might be losing into a game you are suddenly winning.

One of the simplest combos in the deck is when you use a quintet wall and you hit a draw trigger you get a free soul charge it can it gives you so much free advantage.

Wrap up

I really like playing this deck it has a lot of synergy and the ability to put out some crazy powerful attacks. Right now this deck is one of the strongest till set 16 comes out then it will probably be too slow to keep with some of the other stronger legion decks.        


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