Monday 17 November 2014

Fighter's Collection 2014 Deck lists Final!

Down to the last 3 decks firstly Seekers and Brawlers cannot be built until set 16 comes out so I will be building list using the booster cards.

Seek Beats
Grade 0
Seeker, Hartmy x1 Starter
Certain Kill Seeker, Modron x4 Crit
Seeker, Harold Breath Dragon x2 Crit
Warning Seeker, Maris x2 Stand
Seeker, Bucephalus x4 Stand
Seeker, Loving Healer x4 Heal

Grade 1
Guardian Law Seeker, Shiron x4
Flail Seeker, Hasbasado x4
Glynngal Seeker x4
Seeker, Rune Eagle x2

Grade 2
Full Bloom Seeker, Cerdic x3
Combined Strength Seeker, Locrinus x4
Seeker, Light Blaze Dragon x4

Grade 3

Splitting Seeker, Brutus x4 Mate:Combined Strength Seeker, Locrinus
Seeker, Light Saver Dragon x4 Mate:Seeker, Light Blaze Dragon

Combing Brutus and Light Saver this deck focuses on power up the front row units and multiple legions so that you can always place the triggers back into the deck. Running 6 Crits and 6 Stands lets you really go all out on attacking so try and save your counter blasts for when you know your deck is mostly triggers so that you can win the game!

Shotgun Rush 
Grade 0
Brawler, Fighting Dracokid x1 Starter
Brawler, Plasma Kick Dragon x4 Crit
Brawler of Heavens, Youzen x4 Crit
Brawler, Dokouson x4 Draw
Brawler, Green Gem Carbuncle x4 Heal

Grade 1
Wyvern Guard, Guld x4
Tonfa Wielding Brawler, Aak x4
Threatening Brawler, Koumei x4
Rising Phoenix x2

Grade 2
Brawler, Wildfist Dragon x4
Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon x4
Military Brawler, Lisei x3 

Grade 3
Brawler, Wild Rush Dragon x3 Mate:Brawler, Wildfist Dragon
Brawler, Skybeat Dragon x3 Mate:Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon
Brawler, Shotgun Blow Dragon x2 Mate:Military Brawler, Lisei

This deck is very simple use Skybeat and Shotgun to clear your opponents field and then play Wild Rush when your ready to go for game. Make sure that you have at least 2-3 Wild Rush Dragons left in deck before going into legion. 

Cross-ride And Roll-out
Grade 0
Dimensional Robo, Daimagnum x1 Starter 
Dimensional Robo, Daibattles x4 Crit 
Demon-eye Monster, Gorgon x4 Crit
Dimensional Robo, Daicrane x4 Draw
Dimensional Robo, Gorescue x4 Heal

Grade 1
Dimensional Robo, Daishield x4
Dimensional Robo, Daimariner x4
Dimensional Robo, Dailander x3
Dimensional Robo, Daibrave x2

Grade 2
Dimensional Robo, Daiheart x4
Dimensional Robo, Daidragon x4
Dimensional Robo, Daidriller x2

Grade 3
Super Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser x4
Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyard x4
Ultimate Dimensional Robo, Great Daikaiser x2

:Step 1 Ride Daiheart 
:Step 2 Use Daimagnum's skill to give Daiheart + 4k power
:Step 3 Hit your opponents vanguard to active Daihearts Skill and Superior Ride Diakaiser as rest
:Step 4 Ride Daiyard
:Step 5 Shout FINAL TURN!
:Step 6 If your opponent cheated and lived last turn ride Great Daikaiser
:Step 7 Drive check 3 Critical triggers    

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