Saturday 1 November 2014

Fighter's Collection 2014 Deck lists part 4!

Here is part 4 of my Fighter's Collection 2014 Deck lists and just a reminder these are just quick builds you can try before you decide on your final builds!

Disco Dinodragons
Grade 0
Ancient Dragon, Babyrex x1 Starter
Black Cannon Tiger x4 Crit
Ancient Dragon, Dinodile x4 Crit
Ancient Dragon, Titanocargo x4 Draw
Ancient Dragon, Ornithhealer x4 Heal

Grade 1
Ancient Dragon, Paraswall x4
Ancient Dragon, Iguanogorg x4
Ancient Dragon, Gattlingaro x4
Ancient Dragon, Triplasma x1

Grade 2
Ancient Dragon, Beamankylo x4
Ancient Dragon, Criollofall x4
Ancient Dragon, Dinocrowd x3

Grade 3
Ancient Dragon, Spinodriver x4
Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend x2
Ancient Dragon, Volcatops x3

Ancient Dragons are really good at making retiring your own rear guards a good thing and Volcatops is no exception his ability to retire 1 card to give 2 of your rear guards +5k power which leads to some real devastating attacks and when Volactops attacks he can also retire 1 rear guard to give himself +5k power. Using your Iquanogorgs as fodder is the key to winning with this aggressive deck while making sure you save 1-2 counter blasts for the final push.

Early Retirement
Grade 0
Seal Dragon, Terrycloth x1 Starter
Seal Dragon, Biella x4 Crit
Blue Ray Dracokid x4 Crit
Seal Dragon, Artpique x4 Draw
Seal Dragon, Shirting x4 Heal

Grade 1
Seal Dragon, Rinocross x4
Seal Dragon, Kersey x4
Seal Dragon, Flannel x3
Seal Dragon, Chambray x2

Grade 2
Seal Dragon, Corduroy x4
Seal Dragon, Jacquard x4
Seal Dragon, Hunger Hell Dragon x3

Grade 3
Hellfire Seal Dragon, Weathercloth x4
Hellfire Seal Dragon, Blockade Inferno x4

Grade 4
Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague x1

So whats better then retiring two grade 2 rear guards how about 4-5 grade 2 rear guards with the right set up you can get rid of your opponents whole and clearing out their deck of good attacking rear guards. Weatherscloth's breakride effect can be used to clear your opponents boosters with the chance to call 2 more from the top 4 cards of your opponents deck combined with Inferno's skill this can be deadly and since this deck is Kagero you can still play Nouvelle which is one of the best cards in the whole game.  

Stacking the Deck
Grade 0
Battle Maiden, Amenohoakari x1 Starter
Lemon Witch, Limonccino x4 Crit
Battle Maiden, Kukurihime x4 Crit
Cyber Tiger x4 Crit
Witch of Big Pots, Laurier x4 Heal

Grade 1
Witch of Oranges, Valencia x4
Witch of Frogs, Melissa x4
Goddess of Self-sacrifice, Kushinada x4
Existence Angel x2

Grade 2
Battle Maiden, Sahohime x3
Witch of Grapes, Grappa x4
Witch of Ravens, Chamomile x4

Grade 3
Goddess of Four Seasons, Persephone x4
Wisdom Keeper, Metis x4 

Deck stacking is basically cheating so even though Persephone's skill seem expensive it really is worth the cost for example you look at the top 3 cards 1st cards is a critical trigger 2nd is null guard and 3rd is Witch of Grapes, Grappa now you an rearrange the cards so you draw a null, soul charge Grappa and you leave a critical for your drive check.   

Celestial Sisters 
Grade 0
First Aid Celestial, Peniel x1 Starter
Hot Shot Celestial, Samyaza x4 Crit
Celestial, Landing Pegasus x4 Draw
Encourage Celestial, Tamiel x4 Stand
Recovery Celestial, Ramuel x4 Heal

Grade 1
Adamantine Celestial, Aniel x4
Nursing Celestial, Narelle x4
Underlay Celestial, Hesediel x4
Doctroid Micros x2

Grade 2
Wild Shot Celestial, Raguel x4
Emergency Celestial, Danielle x4
Candle Celestial, Sariel x3

Grade 3
Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel x4
Spiral Celestial, Hellm x4

Mixing Hellm into a Zerachiel deck lets you take advantage of Zerachiel's presser attacks before switching into Hellm to finish the game with her skill which lets you move a card into your damage zone and if you have a face up copy of Hellm in your damage zone she gets +1 Critical and +5k Power.   

Liberator Top Deck Party
Grade 0
Yearning Liberator, Arum x1 Starter
Liberator of Hope, Epona x4 Crit
Strike Liberator x4 Crit
Armed Liberator, Gwydion x4 Draw
Elixir Liberator x4 Heal

Grade 1
Halo Liberator, Mark x4
Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus x3
White Rainbow Liberator, Balan x4
May Rain Liberator, Bruno x3

Grade 2
Blaster Blade Liberator x4
Liberator, Star Rain Trumpeter x2
Liberator of the Flute, Escrad x2
Liberator of Royalty, Phallon x3

Grade 3
Twin Blade Liberator, Margaux x3
Solitary Liberator, Gancelot x3
Liberator of Bonds, Gancelot Zenith x2

Margaux is the new Zenith and he might be better since he can call up to 2 units from the top of the deck instead of 1 and this deck list is running both Margaux for pressuring your opponent with strong attacks and Zenith to make a final push or switch to a defensive 13k base vanguard.

Sudden Strike 
Grade 0
Judgebau Revenger x1 Starter 
Grim Revenger x4 Crit
Revenger, Air Raid Dragon x4 Crit
Freezing Revenger x4 Draw
Healing Revenger x4 Heal

Grade 1
Dark Revenger, Mac Lir x4
Barrier Troop Revenger, Dorint x4
Self-control Revenger, Rakia x3
Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter x3

Grade 2
Blaster Dark Revenger x4
Overcoming Revenger, Rukea x4
Wily Revenger, Mana x3

Grade 3
Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom x4
Halberd Revenger, Peredur x4 

Revengers are back again with another amazing grade 3 Peredur is great because every time you ride him you can call a grade 1 from the deck letting you save the cards in your hand to guard with or you can call out a Trumpeter to set up for his other skill retire 2 of your own rear guards and give Peredur +10k power and +1 Critical amazing for ending the game.

Draw Power 
Grade 0
Lozenge Magus x4 Heal/Starter
Psychic Bird x4 Crit
Oracle Guardian, Nike x4 Crit
Battle Sister, Ginger x4 Crit

Grade 1
Tetra Magus x4
Circle Magus x3
Crescent Magus x4
Battle Sister, Cocoa x4

Grade 2
Cuore Magus x4
Briolette Magus x4
Stellar Magus x3

Grade 3
Hexagonal Magus x4
Floral Magus x4 

Thats right Fighter's Collection 2014 has support for ott and Floral Magus is awesome she has the ability to let you guess the top card of your deck and if you get it right you get to draw that card combined with the other Magus cards you can stack the top of your deck so you always know whats on top.

Cami and Ash Party Starters
Grade 0
Desire Jewel Knight, Heloise x1 Starter
Blazing Jewel Knight, Rachelle x4 Crit
Jewel Knight, Noble Stinger x4 Crit
Devoting Jewel Knight, Tabitha x4 Draw
Ardent Jewel Knight, Polli x4 Heal

Grade 1
Flashing Jewel Knight, Iseult x4
Jewel Knight, Prizmy x4
Security Jewel Knight, Alwain x3
Sword of Hope, Richard x2

Grade 2
Banding Jewel Knight, Miranda x3
Fellowship Jewel Knight, Tracie x4
Linking Jewel Knight, Tilda x4

Grade 3
Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei x4
Sprout Jewel Knight, Camille x3
Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "Яeverse" x2

Jewel Knights are starting to get a lot better support and Camile another grade 3 you can now play in your deck her skill lets you get pull rear guards from your deck to save your hand for guarding. The best part is that she is really good against decks that punish you for over committing to the field she also works really well with Ashlei because you get to play the better rear guards and switch vanguards depending on what your facing.

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