Sunday 7 December 2014

Seeking the mate Great Nature Edition!

In this edition of Seeking the mate I am going to talk about a surprisingly powerful new legion deck that has quickly become the most fun decks I have ever played.

Magic Science

Grade 0
Blackboard Parrot x1 Starter
Dictionary Goat x4 Heal
Castanet Donkey x4 Draw
Holder Hedgehog x4 Crit
Ruler Chameleon x4 Crit

Grade 1
Cable Sheep x4
Coiling Duckbill x4
Pencil Squire, Hammsuke x4
Soft Tank Sloth x2

Grade 2
Binoculus Tiger x4
Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox x4
Lamp Camel x2
Compass Lion x2

Grade 3
Honorary Professor, Chatnoir x3
Magic Scientist, Tester Fox x4(Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox legion mate)

Blackboard Parrot is a forerunner with an action ability place this unit into your soul and chose a Great Nature rear-guard until end of turn that rear-guard gains an auto skill during your end phase when this unit is placed into the drop zone from rear-guard draw a card.

I chose Blackboard Parrot as my starter because it has great synergy with all the combos in this deck.

Castanet Donkey is a draw trigger with the action ability place this unit into soul give a Great Nature unit +3k power until end of turn.

This was an easy choice since Castanet Donkey is the only draw trigger with an ability in Great Nature and obsessively you can use the +3k power to fix columns like changing a 18k column to a 21k column.

Ruler Chameleon is a critical trigger with the auto skill during the end phase when this unit is placed from rear-guard to the drop zone you may counter blast 1 and search your deck for up to one card named Ruler Chameleon and put into your hand.

Ruler Chameleon acts as almost free fodder for your retiring effects while also filling up your drop zone with cards to legion back into your deck.

Cable Sheep is a perfect guard that when placed on the guard circle you can discard one card and stop a Great Nature unit from being attacked.

Sadly Great Nature has no quintet walls so this deck has to play 4 perfect guards.

Coiling Duckbill is a 7k grade 1 with the action ability place this unit into your soul and chose a Great Nature rear-guard until end of turn that rear-guard gains an auto skill during your end phase when this unit is placed into the drop zone from rear-guard draw a card. 

I play Coiling Duckbill because it lets you play rear-guards that you plan to retire letting you give replace the cards you lost by drawing cards.

Pencil Squire, Hammsuke is a 6k grade 1 with the auto skill during the end phase when this unit is placed from rear-guard to the drop zone you may counter blast 1 and search your deck for up to one card named Pencil Squire, Hammsuke and put into your hand.

I play Hammsuke for the same reason I play Ruler Chameleon it gives you fodder for your retire effects and an awesome target for Coiling Duckbill.

Soft Tank Sloth is a 6k grade 1 with the auto skill during your end phase when this unit is placed from rear-guard to the drop zone you may soul blast 1 card then unflip two damage in your damage zone.

The reason I play Soft Tank Sloth because Taping Cat isn't out in English yet and some times you need to soul blast the grade 2 legion mate from soul so you can legion next turn.

Binoculus Tiger is a 9k Grade 2 with an auto skill when this unit attacks a vanguard you may choose another and give it +4k power until end of turn and during the end phase retire that rear-guard.

Binoculus Tiger gives you a awesome retire outlet for all your combos and makes your 6k boosters into 10k boosters.

Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox is a 9k grade 2 with the auto skill during your end phase when this unit is placed from rear-guard to the drop zone and your vanguard is in Legion you may counter blast 1 and search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as a your vanguard and put it into your hand.

You can use Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox as another retire outlet and its also the Legion mate for the decks main grade 3 vanguard.

Lamp Camel is a 9k grade 2 with the auto skill when this unit's attack hits you may counter blast 2 and draw a card.

Lamp Camel is a really solid card most players would rather guard its on hit effect the let you get advantage and if it hits you get a draw its always a win win.

Compass Lion is a 11k grade 2 with an auto skill at the beginning of your end phase you must retire another rear-guard.

Why do I play Compass Lion well its an 11k base grade 2 so its insane but sadly it has a drawback but since Great Nature combos off cards being retired it really isn't a draw back at all.

Honorary Professor, Chatnoir is a 11k grade 3 with the Break Ride skill when another grade 3 or higher rides on top of Chatnoir that gains 10k power and the auto skill when a Great Nature rear-guard attacks a vanguard give another rear guard +4k power and during the end phase retire that rear-guard and draw a card. Also when Honorary Professor, Charnoir attacks a vanguard he gains +2k power.

Since Great Nature only has 1 grade 3 legion the decks needs to play break rides but Chatnoir works well to give you one explosive where you can draw a ton of cards and get really far ahead of your opponent.  

Magic Scientist, Tester Fox is 11k grade 3 that Legions with Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox and while in Legion it again an auto skill whenever a rear-guard is placed into the drop zone during your end phase you may unflip a damage and if that unit shares a name with one of your vanguards you can draw a card. He also has the auto skill when this unit attacks a vanguard you may chose another rear-guard and that unit gets +4k power and retires at the end of your turn.

Tester Fox is the decks main grade 3 he lets you keep up with faster decks by combing draw effects with unfliping and his 20k attacking power makes it hard for decks to guard your onslaught of powerful attacks.


So the simplest combo is put a draw effect (Coiling Duckbill) on a rear-guard like (Pencil Squire, Hammsuke) then use any retire effect (Binoculus Tiger) to give you a strong attack and then get back the card you lost while still drawing you a card.

The main combo you are looking to get off is your break ride (Honorary Professor, Chatnoir) combined with Magic Scientist, Tester Fox too retire your Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox so you can draw a ton of cards while either getting another Magic Scientist, Tester Fox too legion next turn and get more triggers back into deck or more Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox's so that you can keep drawing and unfliping next turn.